음악88 Beyonce - Listen Beyonce - Listen http://youtu.be/y4gimHC7fKs 가사 펌) http://blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=doded&logNo=204691685 Listen, To the song here in my heart 들어줘요, 내 맘속에 담긴 이 노래를 A melody i've start but can't complete 첫 멜로디는 내가 시작했지만 난 끝맺을수 없어요 Listen, to the sound from deep within 나의 내면속에 담긴 소리를 It's only beginning to find release 오직 해방되기 위한 시작인뿐이죠 Oh, the time has come for my dreams to be heard 오, 내.. 2014. 9. 27. 김광석 스페셜~ 노래모음 김광석 - 이등병의편지(jsa) http://youtu.be/nXwXcyTby10 김광석 - 어느 60대 노부부 이야기 http://youtu.be/VkW2N-blZcc 김광석 - 일어나 + 그녀가 처음 울던 날(Live).avi http://youtu.be/mb7SVebYsFY 김광석 - 너무 아픈 사랑은 사랑이 아니었음을(Live).avi http://youtu.be/utkL-e3DIho 김광석 - 서른즈음에 + 거리에서(Live).avi http://youtu.be/Il52fKokmcM 김광석 - 잊어야한다는 마음으로 + 사랑했지만(Live).avi http://youtu.be/DbnQI4eW7g8 김광석 - 바람이 불어 오는 곳(Live).avi http://youtu.be/ozxfIxy4FXo .. 2014. 9. 27. Avril Lavigne + Yu-Na Kim - IMAGINE Avril Lavigne + Yu-Na Kim - IMAGINE (A Tribute to John Lennon) http://youtu.be/D0D13G30lw0 김연아가 부르는 무반주 '이매진' https://youtu.be/jomOkrJJs30 Avril Lavigne - Imagine (John Lennon Cover)https://youtu.be/f354bzh31Co 가사 펌) http://blog.daum.net/choeahri/8647732 Imagine there's no heaven 천국이 없다고 상상해 보세요! It's easy if you try 당신이 마음만 먹으면 쉬운 일이예요!(노력하면 어려운 일도 아니예요) No hell below us 발 아래에는 지옥이 있지도 않고, Abov.. 2014. 9. 27. Tamia - It's Not Fair Tamia - It's Not Fair https://youtu.be/B1_vVMgGIrs You don`t think I have a clue But I know where you are tonight Cause she`s the one you dream about When you kiss me goodnight I bet you hold her close And gaze into her hazel eyes And then you slowly give to her The love that should be mine mine... It`s not fair, it`s so wrong You`re not here When all I did Was give you my all When mine breaks, .. 2014. 9. 27. beethoven's 교향곡 모음 Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata (FULL)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Tr0otuiQuU Beethoven - Symphony No. 1 (Proms 2012)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nIU9iUcbfc Beethoven - Symphony No. 2 (Proms 2012)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEiYmeeV6sI Beethoven - Symphony No. 3 in E flat major (Op. 55) Eroica Berliner Philharmonikerhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbGV-MVfgec Beethoven - Symphony No. 4 (Pro.. 2014. 9. 27. Beethoven - Symphony No. 5 Beethoven's Complete 5th Symphonyhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gzs-OGgkZTU #DSOLive: Beethoven's Fifth Symphonyhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwNonij12tQ BVSO Beethoven 5th Symphony.mp4http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ID5NGZ4RnhM Beethoven - Symphony No. 5 (FULL)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6z4KK7RWjmk Rene LEIBOWITZ @ BEETHOVEN 5th Symphony (complete) 1961http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdOM7W8.. 2014. 9. 27. 이전 1 ··· 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ··· 15 다음